Research Method VS Research Methodology

Research is an integral part of every small and big business. It is important for an organization to look into new areas and find new ways to expand their business. Research can be defined as a systematic approach to study new fields, new material, or to look for new dimensions in an existing field.

What is the Research method?

The research method consists of all the techniques and method which are employed by a researcher in a research process to find the solution to the research problem. The sole purpose of research methods is to find the solution. Research methods can be of two types qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods.

Qualitative research methods

The qualitative research method consists of open-ended and conversational research methods. The qualitative research method is used to collect in-depth and detailed data about the research topic.

Qualitative research methods are designed in such a way that reveals about the behavior and perception of people under research.

Data collected from qualitative research methods are descriptive. Therefore, it is easy to draw inferences from it. Qualitative research methods are widely used in the social and behavioral sciences.

Methods like a focus group, one-on-one interviews, case study research, ethnographic research, observation research, and record-keeping are the various methods used in qualitative research. Click here to learn about the different methods used in qualitative research in detail.

Quantitative research methods

Quantitative research methods are those methods where a systematic approach is used to collect quantifiable of data by performing computational, mathematical, or statistical techniques. The data collected through quantitative research methods are usually in numerical form.

The proper outcome can be deduced by analyzing the data in a systematic form. The results obtained through quantitative research methods are statistical, logical, and unbiased.

These research methods are applied to a group of the population, which represents the entire population. Key Differences between Research Method and Research Methodology

Research Method

•          Research methods are the methods used by researchers to collect data to conduct research on a particular research topic.

•          The objective of the research method is to find the solution.

•          Research methods are useful to apply during the latter stage of the research process.

•          Research methods are small part of research methodology.

•          Research methods consist of various techniques where various studies and experiments are used to conduct research and reach an appropriate conclusion.

•          Research methods consist of different investigation techniques.

•          Research method encompasses of carrying out an experiment, survey, test and so on.

Research Methodology

•          A Research methodology is systematic approach to solve the research problem and to reach a new conclusion.

•          The objective of the research methodology is to determine the solution by applying correct procedures of research.

•          Research methodologies are applied in the initial stage of the research being conducted.

•          A Research methodology is a multi-dimensional concept.

•          Research methodologies are used applied during the initial stage of the research to explain the purpose of chosen methods and how they will serve its function.

•          Research methodologies is a systematic strategy to achieve the decided objective.

•          Research methodology encompasses different techniques which are used during the performance of the experiment, surveys, and test, etc.


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