5 หลักสูตรยอดนิยมสาย Business

5 หลักสูตรยอดนิยมสาย Business

สำหรับเพื่อน ๆ ที่สนใจเรียนต่อที่ประเทศอังกฤษ วันนี้รีเสิร์ซเชอร์จะมาแนะนำหลักสูตรยอดนิยมของสาขาบริหาร โดยการเรียนต่อต่างประเทศที่นักเรียนไทยชอบไปในลำดับต้น ๆ นั่นก็คือ ประเทศอังกฤษ จะมีมหาลัยใดที่น่าสนใจ หลักสูตรใดที่น่าเรียน มาดูกันเลย!

🔘1.) หลักสูตร Digital Marketing

– MSc Marketing, Durham University

– MSc Marketing, University of Birmingham

– MSc Marketing, University of Bath

– MSc Marketing, University of Exeter

– MSc Marketing (Digital Marketing), University of Reading

– MSc Marketing, Manchester University

– MSc Marketing, Royal Holloway University of London

– MA Advertising and Marketing, University of Leeds

– MSc Marketing, University of Nottingham

– MSc Marketing Queen Mary University of London

– MA Digital Marketing, University of Portsmouth

– MSc Marketing Management, University of Essex

– MSc Marketing, Loughborough University

– MA Digital Marketing, Coventry University

– MSc Digital Marketing, University of Southampton

– MSc marketing, University of Kent

– MSc Digital Marketing and Analytics, University of Kent

– MSc Marketing, University of Edinburgh

– MSc Marketing and Business Analysis, University of Edinburgh

🔘2.) หลักสูตร Management

– MSc International Management, University of Exeter

– MSc Management, University of Reading

– MSc Management, University of Leeds

– MSc Management, Durham University

– MSc Management (Entrepreneurship), Durham University

– MSc Management (Finance), Durham University

– MSc Management (Human Resource Management), Durham University

– MSc Management (International Business), Durham University

– MSc Management (Supply Chain Logistics), Durham University

– MSc International Business, University of Nottingham

– MSc Management, University of Nottingham

– MSc Management, University of Essex

– MSc International Management, University of Essex

– MSc Human Resource Management, University of Essex

– MSc Global Project Management, University of Essex

– Msc Management(International Business), University of Kent

– MSc Management, University of Edinburgh

🔘3.) หลักสูตร Entrepreneurship

– MSc Management (Entrepreneurship), Durham University

– MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management, University of Nottingham

– MSc Entrepreneurship and Financing, University of Reading

– MSc Entrepreneurship and Management, University of Reading

– MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Portsmouth

– MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Essex

– MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship, University of Essex

– MSc International Marketing and Entrepreneurship, University of Essex

– MSC Entrepreneurship and innovation management (London Campus), Loughborough University

– MSc Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation (London Campus), Loughborough University

– MSc Entrepreneurial Design Management (London Campus), Loughborough University

– MA Global Entrepreneurship, Coventry University

– MSc Digital Business and Entrepreneurship, University of Southampton

– MSc Entrepreneurship and Management, University of Southampton

– MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Edinburgh

🔘4.) หลักสูตร Data Analytics

– MSc Business Analytics, University of Nottingham

– MSc Information Management – Big Data in Business, University of Reading

– MSc Information Management – Business Analysis and Service Design, University of Reading

– MSc Business Analytics and Decision Sciences, University of Leeds

– MSc Business Analytics and Management Sciences, University of Southampton

– MSc Business Analytics Consulting, Loughborough University

– MSc Business Analytics, University of Essex

– MSc Business Analytics, University of Kent

– MSc Data Science (with Business), University of Exeter

– MSc Data Science, Lancaster University

– MSc Data Science, University of Edinburgh

🔘5.) หลักสูตร Finance

– MSc Finance, Durham University

– MSc Finance (Accounting and Finance), Durham University

– MSc Finance (Corporate and International Finance), Durham University

– MSc Finance (Economics and Finance), Durham University

– MSc Finance (Finance and Investment), Durham University

– MSc Finance (International Banking and Finance), Durham University

– MSc Finance (International Money, Finance and Investment), Durham University

– MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management, University of Exeter

– MSc Finance and Investment, University of Exeter

– MSc Finance and Management, University of Exeter

– MSc Marketing and Financial Services, University of Exeter

– MSc Money and Banking, University of Exeter

– MSc Banking and Finance, University of Nottingham

– MSc Finance and Investment, University of Nottingham

– MSc International Securities, Investment and Banking, University of Reading

– MSc Capital Markets, Regulation and Compliance, University of Reading

– MSc Corporate Finance, University of Reading

– MSc Financial Engineering, University of Reading

– MSc Financial Risk Management, University of Reading

– MSc International Shipping and Finance, University of Reading

– MSc Investment Management, University of Reading

– MSc Behavioural Finance, University of Reading

– MSc Economics and Finance, University of Reading

– MSc Actuarial Finance, University of Leeds

– MSc Banking and International Finance, University of Leeds

– MSc Finance and Investment, University of Leeds

– MSc Financial Mathematics, University of Leeds

– MSc Financial Risk Management, University of Leeds

– MSc Corporate Finance, University of Portsmouth

– MSc Economics, Finance and Banking, University of Portsmouth

– MSc Finance, University of Portsmouth

– MSc Finance Decision Analysis, University of Portsmouth

– MSc International Finance and Banking, University of Portsmouth

– MSc Finance, University of Essex

– MSc Banking and Finance, University of Essex

– MSc Finance and Investment, University of Essex

– MSc Finance and Management, University of Essex

– MSc Financial Engineering and Risk Management, University of Essex

– MSc International Finance, University of Essex

– MSc Finance (Finance and Management), University of Kent

– MSc Finance( Finance, Investment and Risk), University of Kent

– MSc Finance(Financial Markets), University of Kent

– MSc Applied Actuarial Science, University of Kent

– MSc Finance, University of Edinburgh

จะเห็นว่ามีหลายมหาวิทยาลัยและหลายหลักสูตรให้เพื่อน ๆ ได้ตัดสินใจเลือกและหาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม บางมหาวิทยาลัยจะต้องใช้ Dissertation ประกอบกับการยื่นสมัคร หากติดปัญหาสามารถทักมาสอบถามรีเสิร์ซเชอร์ได้นะคะ มีบริการรองรับเกี่ยวกับงาน Dissertation และการวิจัยภาษาอังกฤษค่ะ


📖รีเสิร์ซเชอร์ เพื่อนคู่คิดงานวิจัย💡

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ขอบคุณข้อมูลจาก 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴.𝘤𝘰𝘮

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